@echo off rem Set Quartz to the base directory of the Quartz Distribution @SET QUARTZ=..\.. @rem setup the class path... CALL ..\bin\buildcp.bat SET QUARTZ_CP=%TMP_CP% rem !!!!!!! Please read important information. !!!!!! rem If "java" is not in your path, please set the path rem for Java 2 Runtime Environment in the path variable below rem for example : rem @SET PATH=D:\jdk1.3.1;%PATH% rem rem Set LOG4J props if you are interested in setting up rem a configuraiton file for log4j logging rem @SET LOG4J_PROPS="-Dlog4j.configuration=log4j.properties" "java" -cp "%QUARTZ_CP%" %LOG4J_PROPS% org.quartz.examples.example6.JobExceptionExample