#set ($includedTims = ["tim-spring-webflow"]) #set ($multipleTims = $includedTims.size() > 1) #set ($timArtifactId = $includedTims.get(0)) #set ($isApi = false) {Introduction} Welcome to the ${project.name} project pages. ${project.name} is a Terracotta Integration Module for Spring Webflow. #if ($isApi) ### Adapt the following so that it describes how this TIM can be used as an API. ${project.name} is a both a Terracotta Integration Module (TIM) and a JAR file that can be coded against as an API. Javadocs are included. ##Use ${project.name} to integrate your satcom management application with Terracotta to cluster shared data. Your application's code can also take advantage of the ${project.name} API to receive, process, and cache satcom-specific messages. #end For information on how to configure Terracotta to use TIMs, see the {{{http://www.terracotta.org/web/display/docs/Configuration+Guide+and+Reference#ConfigurationGuideandReference-TIMs}Configuration Guide and Reference}}. {Installation} * TIM Update Center Most TIMs can be installed through the TIM Update Center, which provides the simplest way to work with TIMs. The TIM Update Center validates TIM versions to ensure that the correct one is available for your installation. It also provides guidance on configuring Terracotta to use the TIM. See the {{{http://www.terracotta.org/web/display/docs/tim-get}TIM Update Center documentation}} for more information on the tim-get tool, which is used to access the TIM Update Center. Note: You must have Terracotta installed to use tim-get. #if ($multipleTims) The ${project.name} project contains the following TIMs. #foreach ($tim in $includedTims) ## The blank line below is necessary for APT to recognize the bullet list. * $tim #end The instructions below show how to install and use $timArtifactId. To install and use one of the other TIMs included in this project, simply substitute the name of the TIM you would like to use. #else The ${project.name} project contains a single TIM named $timArtifactId. Use the instructions below to install and use $timArtifactId. #end ** Install on Linux/UNIX To download and install $timArtifactId on Linux/UNIX, enter: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ $TERRACOTTA_HOME/bin/tim-get.sh install $timArtifactId +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $timArtifactId will be installed in the Terracotta modules directory, $TERRACOTTA_HOME/modules/. ** Install on Microsoft Windows To download and install $timArtifactId on Microsoft Windows, enter: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > %TERRRACOTTA_HOME%\bin\tim-get.bat install $timArtifactId +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $timArtifactId will be installed in the Terracotta modules directory, {%TERRACOTTA_HOME%}\modules\. {Configuration} * Terracotta Configuration To use ${project.name} you must add a module declaration to the Terracotta configuration file, tc-config.xml. You can simply copy and paste all or part the following module declaration into your tc-config.xml file. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #foreach ($tim in $includedTims) #end +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Maven To use ${project.name} in a Maven project, you can copy and paste the following dependency information into your project's POM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #foreach ($tim in $includedTims) ${project.groupId} $tim ${project.version} #end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the time of this writing, the Terracotta Forge artifacts are not yet available from Maven's central repository. You must configure your project to use the Terracotta Maven repository: http://www.terracotta.org/download/reflector/maven2 To tell Maven about this location, set the remoteRepositories property by including the following in the command line when invoking Maven: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -DremoteRepositories=http://www.terracotta.org/download/reflector/maven2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your project has other Terracotta Artifacts as dependencies, add the following sections to your project's POM: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- terracotta-repository http://www.terracotta.org/download/reflector/maven2 terracotta-repository http://www.terracotta.org/download/reflector/maven2 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {For Developers} Check out the project from the Terracotta Subversion repository: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ svn checkout \ ${project.scm.url} \ ${project.name}-${project.version} +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy the ${project.name}-${project.version} to the modules directory under the Terracotta installation directory. Be sure to add ${project.name} to the Terracotta configuration file. See the {{{http://www.terracotta.org/web/display/docs/Configuration+Guide+and+Reference#ConfigurationGuideandReference-TIMs}Configuration Guide and Reference}} for more information. To install ${project.name} in your local Maven repository, enter: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ cd ${project.name}-${project.version} $ mvn clean install +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------