mvn compile hibernate3:hbm2ddl mvn jetty:run mvn tc:run (uses Tomcat 6) mvn -Ptomcat5x tc:run mvn -Pjetty6x tc:run (currently fails due to bundle activation issues) mvn -Ptest-webapp integration-test mvn -Ptest-db integration-test // to drop mysql exam database: sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin drop exam // to check list of active client connections in mysql, use following queries in mysql client // to get number of active client connections SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Threads_connected'; //to get details of the active connections SHOW PROCESSLIST; ############################################################################# To run the scripts set CATALINA_HOME to tomcat home dir and TC_HOME to terracotta server dir Start the terracotta server and run the script to start tomcat servers To apply some config to all tomcat servers, change the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml ./ -clean : Cleans the working dir for the tomcat server profiles (target/tomcat_808*) -nodes : Runs number of nodes specified, default: 1. The port number is incremented for each server To add the servers as load balancer member use the port number to route the request BalancerMember http://localhost:8080 route=8080 BalancerMember http://localhost:8081 route=8081