- To install ehcache-web-parent, ehcache-web and ehcache-web-system-tests along with running integration-tests w/ jetty6x (default) From root dir mvn clean install - To install only ehcache-web From web dir mvn clean install - To run integration-test with cargo maven. Working profiles: jetty6x, tomcat50x, tomcat55x tomcat6x From web-system-tests dir mvn clean integration-test -Pcargo -P mvn clean integration-test -Pcargo -Ptomcat6x - To run integration-test without cargo maven or app server other than mentioned above. From web-system-tests dir 1. Create the war mvn clean package 2. Start and deploy the war on the app server running on ${test.server.host}:${test.server.port} (DEFAULT: localhost:9090) 3. To run the test, modify the ${test.server.host}, ${test.server.port} properties in pom.xml, if needed. mvn clean integration-test -Pno-cargo - To run single integration-test From web-system-tests dir mvn clean integration-test -Pcargo -P -Dtest= mvn clean integration-test -Pcargo -Ptomcat6x -Dtest=CachingFilterTest NOTE: * You will see a number of exception on the console during system-tests, those are expected until unless any of the test fails. * You might get a feeling that it got stuck at [cargo:start {execution: start-container}] But its downloading the app server zip file over the network to ${user.home}/cargo/${cargo.id}. You can check the size of the zip file downloaded. - To assemble ehcache-web as tar.gz From web dir mvn clean install assembly:assembly