$Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 1.31 2006/03/07 00:05:56 gregluck Exp $ ehcache-1.2.3 ============= Cache.remove doesn't fire listeners if element didn't exist. This stopped cluster removes from working where the local cache does not have the element cached. Thanks to Elijah Epifanov for reporting this one and arguing the case for this behaviour Allow references to ehcache.xsd in ehcache XML files. All of the ehcache.xml files have had the schema reference added. This allows easy validation of ehcache.xml configuration files using tools like Eclipse and IntelliJ. Thanks to Gabriel Klein for suggesting this. Added a new property asynchronousReplicationIntervalMillis to the RMICacheReplicator factory configuration to control the interval at which it runs. The default is 1000ms, which is the value it was hardcoded too in earlier versions. Added a new notifyRemoveAll cache event notification as requested by users. Called during Ehcache#removeAll() to indicate that the all elements have been removed from the cache in a bulk operation. The usual notifyElementRemoved is not called. This notification exists because clearing a cache is a special case. It is often not practical to serially process notifications where potentially millions of elements have been bulk deleted. Added a new notifyElementEvicted cache event notification as requested by users. Called immediately after an element is evicted from the cache. Evicted in this sense means evicted from one store and not moved to another, so that it exists nowhere in the local cache. In a sense the Element has been removed from the cache, but it is different, thus the separate notification. The usual notifyElementRemoved is not called. Asynchronous replication / soft references. There is a trade off between OutOfMemory risk and replication correctness. Change the RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator so that Elements are SoftReference, not all EventMessages. The result is that put and update via copy may be SoftReference collected, but remove and update via remove will always go through. Change Cache#getQuiet so that cache statistics are not updated. This is a sensible API change and probably always should have worked this way. Open up some classes by removing final keyword and changing the constructors to public. Fix isssue where a distributed cache can take up to a minute to shutdown. This issue affected web container and application server shutdowns. The fix is to unbind RMICachePeers before unexporting them. Thanks to Lennard Fuller and Peter Chiang for finding and fixing this hard one. Fixed a few broken links and inconsistencies in the documentation. Bad dependency scopes in Maven2 POM. Most dependencies are required only at test time. Changed the pom to reflect this. Synchronous replicators in a cluster can deadlock trying to replicate to each other. The deadlock gets resolved by a SocketTimeoutException depending on what you set it too. Reduce synchronization around gets, puts and removes so that listener notification is not synchronized, which resolves this problem. Synchronization still occurs on the stores. Fixed a bug where in BlockingCache and SelfPopulatingCache where setTimeoutMillis was set to a non zero value. Large TTL values cause expire time to be incorrect in Element. Changed ONE_SECOND from an int to a long which fixes the issue. ehcache-1.2.2 ============= Maintenance release to ehcache-1.2.1 Feature Changes: - Added a ShutdownListener which implements ServletContextListener for shutting down all CacheManagers in a web application. Bug Fixes: - If you put an Element with overridden TTL and TTI values and then replace it with an Element with defaults, the new Element lives forever. putQuiet is not affected by this bug. Thanks to Pete at Goodtech for finding this one. - Reduce the memory used by flushSpool() in DiskStore. See http://gregluck.com/blog/archives/2006/07/tuning_memory_u.html for details. - Cache names with slashes cause problems. Tightened the validation code around setting a cache name. Now throw IllegalArgumentException if a cache name is null or contains '/'. Thanks to Daniel Wiell for repoting this one and suggesting the fix. - Loading an element from the disk store fails in some circumstances due to classloading issues. This issue was created by a patch to fix 1324221 back in October 2005. Resolved by trying the new way and then, if a ClassNotFoundException is thrown, doing it the old way. CachingFilter should not change Thread name. Now sets it back to the original when done. ehcache-1.2.1 ============= ehcache-1.2.1 is mostly a maintenance release of ehcache. Change Blocking cache to use a lock striping technique for its Mutexes. This limits the number of Mutexes to 100, rather than a number equalling the number of keys, while preserving excellent liveness and safety. Thanks to Olaf Krische for reporting this and Brian Goetz for assisting with a solution. Change BlockingCache and SelfPopulatingCache to act as decorators for Ehcache. Remove now redundant BlockingCacheManager and SelfPopulatingCacheManager. Change signatures of these caches from Serializable to Object. This change is not backward compatible but no libraries use these, so developers can change over on their own projects. Bug fixes: - Bug 1190614. This was reported by Victor Volle and is a duplicate of 1492900. Fixed. - Bug 1506399. Changing all classloading to the context classloader is sometimes inconvenient. Fallback to - ClassLoaderUtil.class.getClassLoader() if Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() fails. Thanks to Robert Watkins for reporting this one. - Bug 1508623. Debug messages generate excess String objects. Added logging level guards around about 6 debug log statements. Thanks to Derek Hulley for pointing this one out. - Harden all ehcache threads so that RuntimeExceptions and Errors do not stop them. This change, on its own, has been backported to a separate release, ehcache-1.2.0_01. ehcache-1.2.1RC =============== This is a release candidate for ehcache-1.2.1. There are a few very minor bug fixes in this release. The main focus is to resolve upgrade difficulties with client libraries which expect ehcache CacheManagers to be singletons as they were in ehcache-1.1. In ehcache-1.2 any attempt to have two CacheManagers sharing the same configuration resulted in a CacheException being thrown. The check was made on diskStorePath. In ehcache-1.2.1RC multiple CacheManagers sharing the same ehcache.xml configuration is permitted. To resolve conflicts with DiskStore paths, the second and subsequent CacheManagers create their data files in a unique subdirectory under the first CacheManager's diskStore path. The other potential conflict is in CacheManagerPeerListeners. In the default implementation the conflict is with RMI listener ports. To resolve this conflict the second and subsequent CacheManagers use a free port to listen on. For both, warning messages are logged encouraging clients to migrate over to their own ehcache.xml. There are also a number of enhancements/new features. Details of changes are: - Added the constructs package which was previously a separate module. The constructs package adds valuable functionality and given that the 1.2 jar size is large, can be added with only a small increase in jar size. Greg Luck - Allow zeroconf of RMICacheManagerPeerListenerFactory. A configuration < cacheManagerPeerListenerFactory class="net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMICacheManagerPeerListenerFactory"/ > will now work. The listener port will be automatically assigned a free port. Fixes 1483735. Greg Luck - New SingletonEhCacheProvider for use by Hibernate in situations where code has been written which relies on the singleton behaviour of ehcache-1.1 and earlier. Most code bases using Hibernate should not require this. Greg Luck - Allow cacheEventListenerFactory elements to be added to defaultCache in ehcache.xml. This allows caches created with CacheManager.a ddCache(String cacheName) to receive events. This can be used for example to set default replication settings in defaultCache. Greg Luck - To complement full support foe default cache (above), added support for programmatic addition of caches which include CacheReplicators. Also support for removal of these caches with CacheManager.remove(String cacheName). Greg Luck - Andy McNutt's JNDI-based manual RMI replication added. See ehcache.xml example for how to use. Greg Luck - Support tomcat 5.5 for the servlet filters. Tomcat integration testing, in addition to the Orion one, is also added to the full JUnit test process. Tomcat relies on Servlet 2.4 dispatcher INCLUDE and FORWARD directives for page fragment caching. Greg Luck - Support runtime setting of individual Element time to lives, time to idles and eternal overrides. If an override is set, the Element expiry ignores the Cache default. Greg Luck - Add a cache bootstrap mechanism. This is used to populate a cache when it is first initialized. An abstract factory, BootstrapCacheLoaderFactory has been defined along with an interface BootstrapCacheLoader. The initial concrete implementations are for RMI, so that a new cache entering a cluster gets bootstrapped from a randomly chosen peer. Greg Luck - Theoretically possible NPE if a MulticastRMICacheManagerPeerProvider is started and then stopped before a multicast socket connecti on can be established. Added guard for NPE. Thanks to Roman Kurmanowytsch for reporting the issue and a fix. Fixes 1480442. Greg Luck - Add shutdown hook to RMICacheManagerPeerListener so that, even if CacheManager.shutdown() is not called, processes still exit cleanly. This is a bug rather than a feature request because Cache has a shutdown hook to always cleanly shut down disk store, and ehcache should be consistent in supporting shutdown hooks. Fixes 1485765. Greg Luck - In GzipFilter and CachingFilter Gzipping an empty response body creates 20 byte responses. Fixed so that this situation is detected and a zero bytes gzipped body, with a content length also of 0 is returned. Can occur in 204 and 304 responses. Fixes 1486858. Greg Luck - Changed localhost lookup to a static in Cache, to avoid a potential bottleneck when creating and destroying large numbers of caches rapidly. Thanks to Derek Hully for the bug report and suggested fix. Fixes 1488853. - Allow CacheManager instances to use the same ehcache.xml configuration. Automatically resolve conflicts for DiskStore and CacheManagerPeerListener. Log a warning that the conflict existed and what was done to resolve it along with a suggestion to either use ehcache in singleton mode or specify separate ehcache.xml configurations for each CacheManager instance. ehcache-1.2 =========== ehcache-1.2. ehcache-1.2 represents the addition of many new features while remaining backward compatible with 1.1. Changing the API to Object from Serializable breaks projects. Leave the existing Serializable API in place and add new constructors and methods for Object. Add getObjectValue and getObjectKey to Element. Fixes 1473833. Greg Luck Closing Cache does not remove reference from DiskStore, preventing Garbage Collection of DiskStore and Cache on dispose of a cache. Fixed to set Cache reference to null on dispose. Thanks to Felix Meschberger for the patch. Fixes 1474363. Greg Luck Closing Cache does not remove shutdown hook, preventing Garbage Collection of a Cache with a persistent DiskStore on dispose of a cache. Fixed to remove the shutdown thread after dispose. Thanks to Felix Meschberger for the patch. Fixes 1474360. Greg Luck ehcache-1.2rc1 ============== ehcache-1.2 release candidate 1. ehcache-1.2 represents the addition of many new features while remaining backward compatible with 1.1. License updated to Apache 2.0. Greg Luck Following many requests, ehcache no longer requires that Elements contain Serializable keys and values. Ehcache will gracefully degrade for those operations which require Serialization. In particular the MemoryStore and event listeners can be used with Non Serializable elements. WARNING error messages are logged when an operation cannot be completed because the key or value is not Serializable. Greg Luck Feature Request 1458049 Wrap original exceptions during configuration. Added an intial cause Throwable field to CacheException to facilitate easier reporting without breaking pre JDK1.4 compatibility. Greg Luck Removed the old Hibernate plugin from the code base. It has been deprecated since the beginning of the 1.2 beta series. The plugin is being actively maintained in the Hibernate project. Any project still using net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.Plugin should change their Hibernate configurations to org.hibernate.cache.EHCacheProvider. Greg Luck Feature Request 1081071. Added the ability to specify subdirectories under System Property paths. e.g. java.io.tmpdir/one Greg Luck Feature Request 1025706. Added the ability to specify a system property, net.sf.ehcache.disabled=true, to easily disable ehcache. A disabled cache works fully but discards and Elements added to it. Greg Luck Add protections to the DiskStore spoolThread against programming errors in Elements that can cause it to die. Secondly, if it does die, disable adding elements to the DiskStore and log an error, so as to gracefully degrade. Fixes 1432458. Greg Luck flush() was using up to double the memory used by a MemoryStore during flush() which could cause an OutOfMemory error on shutdown if memory was constrained. flush no longer causes any memory spike. Thanks to Sergey Nekoval for reporting the bug. Fixes 1369073. Greg Luck ehcache-1.2 beta5 ================= This changelog covers beta1 to beta5. ehcache-1.2 represents the addition of many new features while remaining backward compatible with 1.1. Introduced new caching policies in addition to the standard LRU. FIFO and LFU were added. LRU remains the default unless explicitly set in each cache's configuration. Thanks to Surya Suravarapu for working with me on these. The documentation has a new section on caching policies and when to use what. Surya Suravarapu Introduced CacheManagerEventListener and CacheEventListener interfaces and default implementations. These can be configured in ehcache.xml or set programmatically. Thanks to steve at jofti dot com for help with the specification for these. Greg Luck After requests from Jo Walnes, Paul Hammant and others, I have added normal instance constructers to CacheManager which do not act as singletons. The factory singleton methods remain for backward compatibility. CacheManager can now be constructed with a Configuration object programmatically. Greg Luck Since version 1.1, ehcache has had a persistent diskStore, which makes it suitable for storing application state. Added a flush method so that, if the cache is diskPersistent, it can be programmatically flushed, in addition to the automatic flush which happens at shutdown. Greg Luck Pluggable Distributed Caching. The default implementation supports cache discovery via multicast or manual configuration. Updates are delivered asynchronously or s ynchronously via custom RMI connections. Additional discovery or delivery schemes can be plugged in by third parties. Greg Luck DiskStore is now up to 12 times faster in certain operations and much more scalable. Greg Luck Significant (up to 7 fold) DiskStore performance increases, after introduction of finer grained threading. Thanks to Robert Watkins for reporting on the performance limits. Greg Luck Clover test coverage raised to 86%. Greg Luck Feature Request 431481 Distributed: The ability to notify cache event listeners excluding CacheReplicators Greg Luck Feature Request 1431393 Events from remote in distributed cache should be received by any non CacheReplicator listeners Greg Luck Patch 1158788. Fix for dependencies list... MemoryStore.java to remove Apache commons-collections for JDK1.4 users Greg Luck change default configuration to use context classloader Fixes 1122734. Greg Luck Fix for DiskStore to deserialize using Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() Fixes 1324221. Greg Luck CacheManager.shutdown now uses a Class rather than an instance lock. Fixes 1261613. Greg Luck Configurator gets a file not found when files contain spaces. Fixes 1237017. Greg Luck DiskStore degrades under load. Fixes 1332728. Greg Luck Change classloader to Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() for ehache.xml. Fixes 1079529. Greg Luck DiskStore data file is not deleted when index is corrupt. Fixes 1414674. Greg Luck JavaDoc documentation fix for element.getLastAccessTime returns 0 for element just created Fixes 1224325. Greg Luck Documentation should advise using the Hibernate supplied plugin rather than the older one in ehcache which is now deprecated. Fixes 1247019. Greg Luck Fix bug introduced in 1.2 beta series. Removed Boolean.parseBoolean and java.util.Queue which were introduced in the JDK1.5 API to preserve backward compatibility. Fixes . Greg Luck Fix bug introduced in 1.2 beta series. Changed ant script to avoid compiling with clover in dists Fixes . Greg Luck Fix bug introduced in 1.2 beta series. Cannot load configuration from jar (or any non-file URL). Fixes 1410374. Greg Luck Fix bug introduced in 1.2 beta series. NPE on RMICacheManagerPeerProviderFactory when rmiUrls not specified. Now throws a meaningful CacheException. Fixes 1432074. Greg Luck Fix bug introduced in 1.2 beta series. Deadlock on deserialization of a cache entry. Thanks to Felix Meschberger for reporting the bug and uploading a patch. Fixes 1445694. Greg Luck Fix bug introduced in 1.2 beta series. Caches created with Cache.addCache(String) share a RegisteredEventListeners instance. Thanks to Olaf Ontaine for for reporting the bug and showing how it happens. Fixes 1457268. Greg Luck Fix bug introduced in 1.2 beta series. RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator mishandling non-copy updates. Thanks to Randy Puro for a patch. Fixes 1451780. Greg Luck ehcache-1.1 =========== Feature Changes --------------- 1. Split out the entire constructs package. These are now in a new subproject: ehcache-constructs, which has been released. See http://ehcache.sf.net/ehcache-constructs for more details. 2. Consequenty removed the dependency on Doug Lea's concurrency library. 3. Add new documentation on cache configuration and hibernate performance tuning. Bug Fixes --------- 1. 1063908 Extra check to make sure that we always close persistent disk store's FileInputStream in the rare case where the ObjectInputStream is null. ehcache-1.0 =========== Feature Changes --------------- 1. Added SelfPopulatingCacheManager 2. Added a new diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds configuration option to ehcache.xml, to allow tuning of the expiry thread per cache. 3. Added a new diskPersistent feature and configuration option. diskPersistent makes disk stores persistent between CacheManager and JVM restarts. It enables very long held caches to be configured, useful for very expensive cache entries that are long lives, such as mapping geocodes. Bug Fixes --------- 1. Expiry Thread now has a default time of 2 minutes, not 25. 2. Expiry Thread now dies immediately on DiskStore disposal. 3. cache.calculateInMemorySize() now returns a non-zero value 4. Bug 1025130 - Null Pointer Exception when no default cache configured. Now we throw a CacheException with a meaningful message. 5. Bug 1025128 IBM Websphere alway requires commons-collection.jar, even though it is never used. Updated requirements to note this. 6. Patch 1030960. JDK1.4 and higher now chain exception thrown from SelfPopulatingCache. 7. 1033061 Fix to Thread naming in SelfPopulatingCache so that the old name is always put back. 8. 1003659 build script unfriendly to IDE: IDE builds should now work. ehcache-0.9 =========== Feature Changes --------------- 1. ehcache.xml cache definitions can now omit timeToIdle and/or timeToLive, which are now optional attributes. This will make cache config easier to read for eternal caches. Either omitting the attributes or setting them to 0 causes them not to be considered when calculating expiry. Earlier versions of ehcache would have immediately expired all elements if either attribute was set to 0, so this change should not break any existing code. 2. Added getQuiet and putQuiet methods to Cache. These methods are the same as get and put but do not affect statistics. 3. Implemented an Element clone method. 4. Added calculateInMemorySize() method to Cache to measure the approximate size of a cache's memory footprint. 5. Added a new constructs package. There are blocking, self populating and self populating collections caches. These are all pull-through caches. They are useful where the cost of creating an entry is high. Details follow: BlockingCache - a cache which blocks subsequent threads until the first read thread populates a cache entry SelfPopulatingCache - a read-through cache. A cache that populates elements as they are requested without requiring the caller to know how the entries are populated. It also enables refreshes of cache entries without blocking reads on the same entries. SelfPopulatingCollectionsCache - a SelfPopulatingCache that adds threading safety where it is known in advance that all entries will be collections. The package is useful for, inter alia, : * Web Page caches * Search Engine caches See the tests for examples of how to use this package. This package requires Doug Lea's concurrency library. A copy is provided in the tools directory when you check out the project by cvs. Or, you can get it from http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/cpj/ Note that if you are not using the constructs package, you do not need the concurrency library. Bug Fixes --------- 1. JavaDoc fixups 2. Fixed time to idle which was not expiring elements after the idle time had expired. This feature did not seem to be getting used. It is now useable. Fixed the test which was also broken 3. Fixed bugs with getSize and getKeys, which were not checking for duplicate keys between the memory and disk stores. Testing ------- 1. Increased Clover test coverage to above 80%. 2. Added many new tests for idle expiry. 3. Added tests for the new constructs package. These tests demonstrate concurrency performance differences between blocking cache designs based on notify/notifyAll and Doug Lea's concurrency package. 4. Test new xml format scenarios for eternal, time to idle and time to live 5. Started adding performance tests to ensure there are no regressions over time. ehcache-0.8 =========== Bug Fixes --------- 1. Fixed a very rare null pointer exception, when retrieving a cache entry. Testing ------- 1. Investigated a Hibernate SessionFactory bug and clarified it was not a Hibernate bug. Added test. 2. Investigated a cache size possible bug and clarified it is not in EHCache. Added test. 3. Added Clover test coverage reporting. Clover instrumentation is not included in release jars. 4. Updated Hibernate testing to version 2.1.1 Licensing --------- 1. Modified the Apache license at the request of the Apache Cocoon project. ehcache-0.7 =========== Bug Fixes --------- 1. Cache Configuration Fixed null pointer exception where the disk store path was not specified when use disk store is set to false 2. JDK1.3 Compatibility Replaced JDK1.4 Exception constructors with simple message constructors compatible with JDK1.2 and 1.3 3. Problem with Element expiry Fixed bug where expiry checking on get was calling remove with the element rather than the key. 4. Expire thread should not run if the cache is not active Changed the expire thread to while(active) 5. Expiry thread unnecessarily being created for eternal caches Skipped creating the expiry thread if caches are eternal. ehcache-0.6 =========== Bug Fixes --------- 1. Hibernate Cache Provider. Fixed bug where incompatible timestamps were generated 2. "Time to Idle" documentation bug. Fixed documentation bug in ehcache.xml and ehcache-failsafe.xml where "Time to Live" was incorrectly referred to as "Time to Idle" Feature Changes --------------- 1. Remove SoftReferences SoftReferences for cache element values has been replaced with standard references. The JDK 1.4.2 JVM was found to remove SoftReferences in normal operation, rather than the expected behaviour of use only to avoid memory exhaustion. Caches will now behave deterministically. Element values will only be removed when the element is garbage collected. ehcache-0.5 =========== Bug Fixes --------- - Implemented not creating a Disk Store when overflowToDisk="false" is set in ehcache.xml - toString() methods now report on all fields Feature Changes --------------- - Changed from JDK1.4 Logging to Commons Logging. This is to permit JDK1.2 and JDK1.3 to use EHCache. - Added Apache Commons Collections LRUMap as an alternative backing Map for the MemoryStore. The java.util.LinkedHashMap has been retained and is used automatically for JDK1.4 and higher. - Added LICENSE.txt to the jar in the distribution ehcache-0.4 =========== - Initial version, originally based on a fork from JCS plus donated patches.